Table of Contents
Die Morphometaphorizität: Die Dritte Wortbildungstechnik. Teil II – Die Parameter und die Skalen der Morphometaphorizität | |
Grazia Crocco Galèas |
Pre-Indo-European Relics: the *borm- Root in the European Pre-Latin Context | |
Francesco Perono Cacciafoco |
Digit Ratio as a Predictor of Language Development and Media Preferences in Kindergarten Children | |
Benjamin P. Lange |
Болгарские бессоюзные сложные предложения в сопоставлении с русскими | |
Alla Gradinarova |
Intertextual Symbolism, Gullah and Language Conflict in Daughters of the Dust | |
Sanja Škifić, Rajko Petković |
Figure-Ground Relations in Human-Computer Dialogue Modeling | |
Olena Begal |
Review of Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2014: New Empirical and Theoretical Paradigms | |
Li Xin |
Published by Eurasia Academic Publishers