Градинарова А.А. Семантика отглагольных существительных в русском и болгарском языках (имена на –ние и –не) // Atlanta & Sofia: Eurasia Academic Publishers, 1999, 142 p.
Semantics of the Russian and Bulgarian deverbal nouns (ending in –ние and –не)
The study compares the meanings of the contemporary Russian and Bulgarian parallels in –ние (-ение), as well as the results of those semantic changes taken place in the deverbal nouns of the category under consideration. The role of Russian language for the development of words in Bulgarian literary language ending in –ние (-ение), as well as some degree of dependence in the semantics of Bulgarian nouns on the development of the meaning of their Russian parallels are demonstrated by examples from the history of individual Russian and Bulgarian equivalents. Attention is paid to the modern tendency of “substantivation” of some of the Bulgarian nouns ending in –не (-ене).