Еще раз об издании февральской минеи (по поводу возражений Ганса Роте)
The analysis of Hans Rothe’s 25 objections – as opposed to hundreds of critical remarks which have been formulated in our article «On the edition of the February Menaion» – leads to the conclusion that in three or four cases his criticism is well-founded: the venerable German Slavist, who is not very competent in Russian, Church Slavonic and Greek, as well as in hagiography and theology, knows his native German language considerably better than any Russian Slavist. The other cases rather confirm the conclusions formulated in the end of our article: «without profound knowledge of the Church Slavonic language and perfect mastery of Russian no satisfactory understanding of early Slavic hymnography is possible», and the continuation of the necessary and important Menaion edition on a high scholarly level is achievable only «with competent and careful editing».
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